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Tutorial 10 – Make a Tour Map Page

Tutorial 10 – Make a Tour Map Page
March 14, 2016 Justin

Build a Book with the Story Tellers Kit

Tutorial 10 – Create a Tour Style Map

In this video, we’ll create a tour map style page, where the reader presses down anywhere and a central character (or characters) move around the page to preset locations. In terms of the kit, these are considered “Slots”, and are simply Empty Nodes (basically placeholders)  named Slot0, Slot1, Slot2, and so on. You can add up to 100 slots per page. The AnimateNodeToSlot property will automatically look for the next available slot, and if found, move an image or node to it. If, for example, you added Slots0 through Slot9, and the user advanced past Slot9 it would send them back to Slot0.

We’ll also discuss adding a counter variable (using SetValues) to keep track of where the ship is on our solar system map. We’ll then listen to the value of that counter (for example, if Counter = 1) and change text accordingly. So if the ship is by the slot near Earth, we’ll change the text to detail information about Earth. You’ll be surprised how few properties the kit needs to get this seemingly complex page built!

We’ll also add particle emitters to the Sun graphic to really spice things up.

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