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In 30 seconds you can sign up for our affiliate program below and see more details. Here's a quick overview...

  • We credit the most recent referrer with the commission.
  • Earn on either our Monthly / Yearly Subscriptions or Lifetime Memberships!
  • For subscriptions, you earn every rebilling!
  • Commissions start at 33% for non-member affiliates! Member commissions are 50% for subscriptions and lifetime membership sales! And 90% commission on products in your own CartoonSmart store.

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    No hijinx. Do not sign up to try and self-discount your own membership. We will know!

    Know what an affiliate program is? You make money just by sharing links to our site! Win. Win.

    Earn when you refer any buyer here! 30 day tracking. Commissions are 33%-50% and recur on subscription products!