Events to Start or Stop Generators / Timers / Listeners
Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2 Documentation
- StartGenerator – the value should match that of a key in the Generators dictionary. This will start the generator.
- StopGenerator – the value should match that of a key in the Generators dictionary to stop.
- StartGeneratorFromPreference – the value should match that of a saved value (which equals a generator name to start)
- StopGeneratorFromPreference – the value should match that of a saved value (which equals a generator name to stop)
- StartTimer – the value should match that of a key in the EventTimers dictionary. This will start the timer.
- StopTimer – the value should match that of a key in the EventTimers dictionary to stop
- StartListener– the value should match that of a key in the EventListeners dictionary. This will start the entire listener group. See the next diagram for an example. This would start the entire group
- StopListener – the value should match that of a key in the EventListeners dictionary to stop