Features Overview…
Create a classic style top-down RPG game (think Zelda) with ZERO programming required
Design and animate levels visually in Xcode
Set simple options in a Property List file to define how the level works
Use Xcode’s new tile map option to “paint” levels
Create enemies, pick-up items, portals and much more with the property list
Level up players with XP, and change player art when they’ve achieved certain levels
Collect unlimited items to pass levels (for example, find 5 keys to open a portal). Inventory items can be added to the GUI to remind players what they’ve collected.
Entering levels can clear out inventory, or reward players with new inventory, new character art/options or weapons.
Define save points and let players continue by choosing map style entry points
Players can collect different projectile weapons and ammo
Play video on “cut scenes” between levels