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Upgrading Tips – Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit Documentation

General Upgrade Tips

Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit Documentation

In this article, we’ll discuss two ways to update your kit to the latest version. If you want to visit our article on specific instructions for going from one build to another, it’s right here.


Upgrading the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2

Updating a project you’ve already been working on is incredibly easy. After you download the latest version of the kit, you simply need to replace some of the class files in your project with the newest versions. Occasionally you’ll need to add new class files, which you can read about in our article regarding updating from specific builds. The screenshot to the left shows exactly which files to replace.

There’s a few ways to do this.

Option 1: In the Finder – Find the class files in the new project, and copy / replace them with the files in your current project. Xcode can even be open while you do this. This option is recommended, as there’s no room for error at all.

Option 2: In Xcode  – Delete the class files from your current project. Select them, hit delete on the keyboard, and when prompted, choose “Move them to the Trash”.  Then drag the class files from the latest version to your current one. When prompted be sure to toggle on the same settings you see below…

Screen Shot 2015-08-17 at 5.49.56 PM

Option 3: Bring your assets to the latest build  – You could also transfer your files to the newest version. In which case you would want to copy the Scene / Action files (.sks files), List.plist, the Assets.xcassets catalog (if your image files are in there), and any other files you’ve imported (sounds, video, etc). Depending on how much you’ve imported, this might not be simplest way to upgrade, but it is a perfectly fine option.

If you stumbled onto this article, it is part of our documentation for the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2. The kit enables you to make children’s book apps and games without writing any code! But it is Swift 2 based and compatible with iOS9 (or higher) and Xcode 7 (or higher), so kit buyers can even extend the functionality to fit their needs further. Some of what we cover in the kit documentation may apply to Xcode in general, so this article could be worth a read even if you aren’t a user. You can purchase Lifetime Updates the kit here, or subscribe Yearly to CartoonSmart and get the latest version, plus access to all of our other kits / tutorials.

We’ve also created an iBook to document the very latest properties in the kit, so be sure to download that as well.

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