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Sound Events – Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit Documentation

Sound and Text-to-Speech Events

Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2 Documentation

  • PlayBackgroundSound – the value will be the sound file minus extension (the code will add .mp3 to the end).

Sound events in Sprite Kit

  • StopBackgroundSound – the value will be the sound file minus extension  (the code will add .mp3 to the end).
  • PlayOrStopBackgroundSound – the value will be the sound file minus extension (the code will add .mp3 to the end).
  • PlayOrStopNarrationSound – the value will be the sound file minus extension (the code will add .mp3 to the end).
  • PlayNarrationSound – the value will be the sound file minus extension (the code will add .mp3 to the end).
  • StopNarrationSound – the value will be the sound file minus extension (the code will add .mp3 to the end).

Note: you can choose whether or not narration and background sounds stop when the page transitions using Page Settings properties.

  • PlaySound –  the value will be the sound file PLUS extension (the source can be any supported sound format).

Sound events in Sprite Kit

  • PlaySoundFromPool – enter the name of a pool array containing an unlimited number of sound files. For example…

Play Random Sounds with Sprite Kit

  • PlaySoundFromPreference –  enter the name of a saved value which notes the sound file. For example…

Play sound file in SpriteKit

As some point prior to calling PlaySoundFromPreference, the app should set a value for PreferredSound (or whatever you named this preference).

saving sound file preference in iOS9 starter kit 2




To find out more on sound properties you can set on a per-page basis, go here  (for example, whether or not the background sound continues or restarts on each page).

Text-to-Speech Events

You can watch a video on these cool new features…


  • Speak – the value will be any text you want spoken.

text to speech options in the iOS Childrens Book Starter Kit 1

  • SpeakLabel –  the name of the SKLabelNode you want to have spoken

text to speech options in the iOS Childrens Book Starter Kit 2

text to speech options in the iOS Childrens Book Starter Kit 3

  • SpeakPreference – the value can be ANY saved value.

text to speech options in the iOS Childrens Book Starter Kit 4


Changing the Speech Voice 

  • SpeechRate –  a decimal number value, default is 0.38. This property can be an event or set in the page’s Settings dictionary
  • SpeechVolume – a decimal number value, default is 1.  This property can be an event or set in the page’s Settings dictionary
  • SpeechPitch – a decimal number value, default is 1.70.  This property can be an event or set in the page’s Settings dictionary
  • SpeechVoice – a voice code or country name for a new voice.  This property can be an event or set in the page’s Settings dictionary
  • OutputVoiceCodes – An event property which will output all the country name and voice codes.
  • AllowRunOnSpeech – For the page’s Settings dictionary.  Set YES and events that call text to speak will not interrupt the current speaking. So for example,  calling a Speak event back to back will run the speech one after the other.

text to speech options in the iOS Childrens Book Starter Kit 5

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