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Upgrading to the latest version of the Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit

Upgrading to the latest version of the Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit

Upgrading should be pretty fail-safe, but it’s always a good idea to back up your current project by zipping it. Zip the entire project folder, which would include not just the .xcodeproj files but also the subfolder of assets, code, etc). Done that? Okay, lets UPGRAYEDD.

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Step 1. Download the latest version of the kit.


Step 2. View both versions in the Finder.

You don’t need to have Xcode open, just Finder windows.

Upgrading the Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit1


Step 3. Select the Swift classes in the newer project.

You don’t have to select every Swift file, just ones that have a more recent save date than the ones in your project. So if you View by Date Modified these should be easy to spot.

Upgrading the Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit2

Don’t select any of the .sks or .plist files. The scene files and property list files are primarily what you’ve modified so you don’t want to overwrite any of those.


Step 4. Overwrite the files in the older version of the kit.

That’s it. You’ve probably upgraded*. And keep in mind, all you’ve done is change the code, so the project settings, art assets, scene files, etc, shouldn’t be affected in any way.


*Step 5 (sometimes required, sometimes not). New files that need to be added…

Occasionally we add class files to the kit, as we just did in Build 1.3, with a file named Menu_Store.swift . For brand new files, you can still follow the steps above to copy them from the latest version of the kit to your version, but you’ll need to go an extra step (just with any brand new files). Simply drag them from the Finder, into your kit next to any other Swift files. This will prompt you to Import the files and as always, be sure you toggle on Add to Targets for both iOS and tvOS. You can also toggle on Copy Files if Needed (though in this case, its not needed since the file has already been copied into the correct location in the Finder). Best practice is to be sure thats always toggled on.


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