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Lesson 8 – How to Create Goals in the Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit

Lesson 8 – How to Create Goals in the Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit
February 29, 2016 Justin

Creating Goals in the Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit

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In this video we will discuss….

  • How to add TableObjects to contribute to Goals (which we’ve done before in these lessons)
  • How contribute to Goals, specifically reasons why we might add to multiple goals at once
  • How to setup Goals for unlocking tiers of multipliers (2x, then 4x, then 6x, then 8x)
  • Resetting goals
  • The last 13 minutes we will discuss each goal we haven’t yet covered so far in these video lessons. All of which are listed in this article. 

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