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The Endless Worlds Swift and Sprite Kit Tutorials get 3 New Videos!

The Endless Worlds Swift and Sprite Kit Tutorials get 3 New Videos!
May 27, 2015 Justin

The Endless Worlds Series adds 3 new videos and adds a fun new project!

Hot off the press! We’ve got an hour of new Swift and Sprite Kit video tutorials in our new Endless Worlds series. In these videos we will modify the project from the first section of the course and create “level units”. What’s that now?  These could be sections of a level that each can contain their own objects and get created or removed as needed. For example, each road section or lilypad section in Frogger would be a level unit.  So instead of generating an entire screen’s worth of content on the fly, we create a thin strip and then every x number of points the character moves, we create a new unit (and delete an unseen one).

The finished example project creates a kind of elevator style game where the character hops from platform to platform as long as possible. We will also look at the code to randomly move each platform (or any object) up and down and switch direction if it exceeds the visible screen area, as well as some ever-useful code to always center a world node on the player. As usual these videos are already available to CartoonSmart subscribers. UPDATE: The course is now available to purchase with Lifetime Access.

You can watch the introduction to this project below…

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