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New Swift and Sprite Kit Video Tutorial Series – Endless Worlds!

New Swift and Sprite Kit Video Tutorial Series – Endless Worlds!
May 21, 2015 Justin

Endless Worlds

Program Procedurally Generated Levels with Swift and Sprite Kit!

We’ve got a brand new course in production and as usual these days, subscribers can get started on it right away. As the title implies, we’ll be creating Sprite Kit and Swift based games that don’t end. The fancy term for this is “procedurally generated levels”,  where levels are made on-the-fly,  and the player’s goal is to last as long as possible. Two great examples in the App Store are Crossy Road and Banana Kong

Although our first example is pretty simple (which you can see in the introduction video below), as the course progresses we will work toward creating levels that are less “totally random” and feel more like they have actually been designed but are still created randomly.

Will it be tough? Heck yeah. But will it be fun?! Of course! Is this an intermediate Swift and Sprite Kit course? Yes. This is a really good followup to our recent Control Systems course, and we will even begin with some classes already written from that series (there is a quick overview video that viewers can optionally watch regarding those classes).

If you want a little preview from the first project in the series, you can watch the introduction below, which also includes a blackboard style demo of why we will add our player and objects to a “world node” which is constantly moving, and how this affects our coordinate system for testing touch locations and figuring out which objects are actually being seen on the device.

Endless Worlds - Procedurally Generate Levels with Swift and Sprite Kit



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