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How to Pause and Repeat Actions in an SKAction Sequence with Swift and Sprite Kit (Episode 26)

How to Pause and Repeat Actions in an SKAction Sequence with Swift and Sprite Kit (Episode 26)
May 23, 2016 Justin

How to Pause and Repeat Actions in an SKAction Sequence with Swift and Sprite Kit (CartoonSmart Video Tutorial Podcast Episode 26)


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In the first couple minutes we’ll give viewers a little background on why they might want to pause, then repeat the last action in an SKAction sequence (specifically, we’ll take a quick look at our current Card and Board Games tutorial series). Sprite Kit allows developers to create sequences of code, for example, you might move a star up on the Y axis, then left on the X axis, then scale it down, and so on. But you can also create an SKAction (SKAction.runBlock) which simply runs a block of code, which provides for some really advanced functionality. In our example, we’ll create a sequence that waits for a duration (SKAction.waitForDuration) then runs a block of code, then waits again, then runs more code and so on. So what happens if we want to re-run one of those actions. For example, if the code prompted users to “Draw another card”, in a card game.  We would need to track backward in the original SKAction sequence, and run it again from there. This obviously makes for an interesting example! Even if you’re currently watching our Card and Board Games tutorial series for iOS or tvOS apps, you’ll probably enjoy this stripped down version of what’s taught there.

Hosts: Justin Dike, Clevon O’Doul



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