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Free Swift and Sprite Kit Tutorial from our Pinball Games Series – Part 5

Free Swift and Sprite Kit Tutorial from our Pinball Games Series – Part 5
May 5, 2016 Justin

Free Swift and Sprite Kit Tutorial

From our Pinball Games Tutorial Series – Part 5:

SKPhysicsContacts and Locking the Flipper Up

This video is part 5 of 6 (the entire first session) of CartoonSmart’s new series on Pinball Games using Sprite Kit and Swift 2.

In this video we will discuss locking the flipper up and down to make a very natural pinball-esque type movement. This involves detecting physics contacts between the Flipper and invisible physics object named FlipperStopper. This quick-stopping technique could be useful in many of your iOS or tvOS projects to come, and its especially key here in a fast-paced pinball game.

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