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Author archive for Patrick Prémartin

  • Utiliser FireMonkey comme moteur de jeux vidĂ©o – webinaire du 11 dĂ©cembre 2021

    Beaucoup de jeux vidĂ©o ont Ă©tĂ© dĂ©veloppĂ©s en Pascal. Beaucoup le sont aussi en Delphi dont certains sont visibles dans…

    By Patrick Prémartin
  • Make games in Delphi (2024 edition)

    Making games has always attracted budding young developers. It’s possible to code in any language, with or without outside help,…

    By Patrick Prémartin
  • Faites des jeux en Delphi (prĂ©sentation, dĂ©mo, revue de code et tour du starter

    Pour la confĂ©rence Dev Days of Summer 2024 j’ai proposĂ© une prĂ©sentation sur la crĂ©ation de jeux vidĂ©o et…

    By Patrick Prémartin
  • Using FireMonkey as a game engine – DelphiCon 2021

    Many video games have been developed in Pascal. Many are also developed in Delphi, some of which can be seen…

    By Patrick Prémartin
  • Easy coding a multi-device game with FireMonkey and Delphi (code review version)

    For Embarcadero’s Code Rage 2018 I presented a step-by-step session explaining how to create a simple video game in Delphi…

    By Patrick Prémartin
  • Easy coding a multi-device game with FireMonkey and Delphi (how-to version)

    For Embarcadero’s Code Rage 2018 I presented a step-by-step session explaining how to create a simple video game in Delphi…

    By Patrick Prémartin

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