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Author archive for Patrick Prémartin

  • Using FireMonkey as a game engine – DelphiCon 2021

    Many video games have been developed in Pascal. Many are also developed in Delphi, some of which can be seen…

    By Patrick Prémartin
  • Easy coding a multi-device game with FireMonkey and Delphi (code review version)

    For Embarcadero’s Code Rage 2018 I presented a step-by-step session explaining how to create a simple video game in Delphi…

    By Patrick Prémartin
  • Easy coding a multi-device game with FireMonkey and Delphi (how-to version)

    For Embarcadero’s Code Rage 2018 I presented a step-by-step session explaining how to create a simple video game in Delphi…

    By Patrick Prémartin

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