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Posts tagged with ‘Podcasts’

  • Sprite Kit Tutorial to setup WatchOS 3 app

    How to setup a Sprite Kit based watchOS 3 App (Episode 35)

    Learn how to start programming a game using Sprite Kit on Apple Watch. This tutorial using Xcode 8, Swift 3…

  • CartoonSmart Podcast Thumbnail

    Switching from Swift 2.2 to Swift 3 in Xcode 8 (Episode 34)

    Switching from Swift 2.2 to 3 in Xcode 8 (CartoonSmart Video Tutorial Podcast Episode 34) In this video tutorial podcast…

  • How to Draw Donkey Kong Style Pixel Art (Episode 33)

    In this Adobe Animate / Flash video tutorial, we'll teach how to draw vector art to look like retro pixel…

  • Thumbnail Podcast Justin Screenshot InBackground

    How to Change Entire Image Sequences in Adobe Animate (Episode 32)

    How to Change Entire Image Sequences in Adobe Animate (Video Tutorial Podcast Episode 32) Today we’ll look at how to…

  • CartoonSmart Podcast Thumbnail

    Sets / Set Collections in Swift (Episode 31)

    This Swift video tutorial we'll talk about creating Set collection variables. Sets are similar to arrays, but are unordered collections.…

  • CartoonSmart Podcast Thumbnail

    Logical AND OR operators with Swift (Episode 30)

    This Swift video tutorial we'll talk about logical AND (&&) and OR ( || ) operators. Okay, not the most…

  • CartoonSmart Podcast Thumbnail

    Nil Coalescing Operators with Swift (Episode 29)

    In this Swift video tutorial, we'll talk about nil coalescing operators. This operator, defined by two question marks ( ??…

  • CartoonSmart Podcast Thumbnail

    Ternary Conditional Operators in Swift 2 (Episode 28)

    Ternary Conditional Operators in Swift 2.2 (CartoonSmart Video Tutorial Podcast 28) This video tutorial we’ll talk about how to shorthand…

  • CartoonSmart Podcast Thumbnail

    Why Program Using Optionals in Swift (Episode 27)

    In this Swift video tutorial, we'll discuss the how's and why's of programming optional variables in any of your iOS…

  • CartoonSmart Podcast Thumbnail

    How to Pause and Repeat Actions in an SKAction Sequence with Swift and Sprite Kit (Episode 26)

    In the first couple minutes we'll give viewers a little background on why they might want to pause, then repeat…


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