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Add images to a UITableView! New video in the Property List-Driven Apps Course

Add images to a UITableView! New video in the Property List-Driven Apps Course
May 14, 2015 Justin

Add Images to a UITableView!

New video in the Property List-Driven Apps Course

I added another video tonight to this course because, by golly, it needed a little extra “wow” to it. And nothing does that better then some great images. So instead of simply displaying text in your UITableView, you can now add UIImages as well.  But that’s not all.  As some of my students of this course already know, I set out to make this app completely updatable from a Property List stored on your site.  So instead of waiting a week for Apple to approve minor updates of your app, you can simply upload a .plist file to your server and your app is magically updated for everyone. So what happens if you  update your property list to display a new image that isn’t in your main app bundle already?? Ah-ha. The course addresses exactly that. So what we’ll do is download and display an image from your site, then cache it (saving it in an NSDictionary) so your UITableView doesn’t have to download it again and again.

As usual from now on, this course is written in Swift 1.2, so there’s a tons of great code snippets to pull from even if you aren’t making a similar app! Subscribers can watch this lesson from right here and as of today, non-subscribers can get Lifetime Access!

Swift and Sprite Kit Video Tutorials on Property Lists

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