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Free Swift tvOS Tutorials – Player versus Player Games

Free Swift tvOS Tutorials – Player versus Player Games
April 22, 2016 Justin

Free Swift tvOS Tutorial

Player versus Player Games – Introduction and How to Connect External Controllers

This is a quick introduction to the full, six hour Player vs Player tvOS Games  video tutorial series.  In this course you’ll learn how to setup a complete game with external game controller support and battle against your friends in head to head combat. You’ll learn Swift, Sprite Kit and plenty more!

In this Swift tvOS video tutorial you’ll learn how to connect an external controller (namely the Nimbus Steel Series which is sold in the Apple Store). You’ll learn how to setup controller observers, check the playerIndex of controllers, create a valueChangedHandler to listen for specific button presses (leftThumbstick, buttonA, leftTrigger, etc), and plenty more.

To continue in this course, you can watch our next free preview video, on how to connect the Standard and Micro GamePad Controllers, or do the super cool thing and support the site with a monthly or yearly membership. Yearly subscribers get access to every tutorial PLUS everyone of our iOS and tvOS Starter Kits. Find out more here. 


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