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The Complete First Session of our tvOS Side Scroller Tutorial Series

The Complete First Session of our tvOS Side Scroller Tutorial Series
October 25, 2015 Justin

The Complete First Session of our tvOS Side Scroller Tutorial Series

In this lengthy series our students will learn how to create a retro 2d-style side scroller game from scratch for the new Apple TV, then for any iOS device. The project will be initially developed using the tvOS template, then you’ll see how to take most of the same code and use it for an iOS app. We’ll cover all the essentials to making a side scroller: building a physics-based environment (with platforms, vines, pipes, collectibles), programming a an easy character to move using swipes, adding the HUD (for things like Score or a Lives label), sound and much, much more. Toward the end of this session we’ll also discuss how to add a tvOS target to an existing iOS project and share code / assets between the two targets.

Initial Setup

Custom Player Class


Animating Textures for the Player

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Initial Character Controls

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Physics Contacts

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 Double Jumping, Fine-tuning Friction and Restitution

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Making the Camera and GUI Follow the Player

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Climbable Poles or Vines

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Hanging onto Moving Poles or Vines

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Pipes and Portals to Other Levels

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Using the same code to a Universal iOS Project

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How to add a tvOS Target to an Existing iOS Project

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Project Files (end of Session 1)

As always, CartoonSmart students can download the Xcode projects for the course….

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This course continues in the full Learn tvOS for Game Development tutorial series.

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