Learn Swift 3 and Sprite Kit in one of our most fun, in-depth courses to date. Build an entire Property-List driven Role Playing Game from the ground up. What's that mean exactly?  You'll be able to quickly design levels in the Scene Editor, name specific elements (like TreasureChest), then set basic properties in a Property List file, for example, how much the item rewards when opened. The possibilities are endless with this type of game and this unique series will guide you through every step.
Course Outline
Introduction to Sprite Kit
Sign up for a Free CartoonSmart User Account and mark these courses as completed on the Curriculum Page.
Making the Character Attack
Non Player Characters
The World Item Class
The Player Class
Buttons, GUI, and Inventory
This final session is in production right now, and will be released the last week of March / beginning of April!
Includes a TONÂ of Amazing Assets
This course is currently a Subscriber Exclusive
This video tutorial series is divided into sections so if you want to skip around, you can start at the beginning of a section using the project files from the end of the previous session.
Not only does this course include Xcode Projects at the end of every session, students will also get all the artwork used in the series. This include player art, NPC art, level art, projectiles, GUI elements, special FX and much more!