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Plugs: Pumpkin Killer  |  Pairpix  |  Pic Mob Generator  |  Blufo  |  Pompach

Bio: Freelance computer scientist since a while. Favoring Delphi training to the service and wanting to get back to the game of game development that I didn't practice as much these last years as I did in my younger days on TO7-70, TO9, Atari and PC in the time of the monochrome with 16 orange colors...

Skills: Game development, Web development, Author, Freelance, Teacher

Software: Delphi, RAD Studio, AppGameKit, Adobe Photoshop

Software: Delphi, Firemonkey/FMX, VCL, Object Pascal, PHP, HTML, Javascript, CSS, SQL, MySQL, HTML5, AGK Basic

For Hire Status: Employed, but open to offers

Last watched: Using FireMonkey as a game engine – DelphiCon 2021

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As always, free for members. Where noted, free to non-members.

Easy coding a multi-device game with FireMonkey and Delphi (how-to version)

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Easy coding a multi-device game with FireMonkey and Delphi (code review version)

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Using FireMonkey as a game engine - DelphiCon 2021

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