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Exploring Adobe Illustrator – Index

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Exploring Adobe Illustrator

Professional artist, Brian Zaikowski brings teaches this amazing twenty-four hour Adobe Illustrator tutorial library. Yes, a full day's worth of videos. But don't go into shock thinking about giving up an entire weekend to watch all of these at once, because you don't have to tackle them in any particular order. The videos in this collection are like books on a shelf, just waiting for the moment you need to learn everything about a particular tool or preference in Illustrator. Or for those true of heart that want to master Adobe Illustrator in a couple days, you can begin with the A's and start eating up these videos like popcorn. There's 111 in total, along with over 50 source files.

Created by: Brian Zaikowski

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Section 1

The Tool Videos

You can watch these videos below in any order.

Course Assets

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Appearance Panel     FREE!

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Artboards     FREE!

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Arranging Objects     FREE!

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Basic Shape Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Blend Menu

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Blend Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Blob Brush Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Browse in Bridge

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Brushes Art

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Brushes Bristle

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Brushes Calligraphic

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Brushes Pattern

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Brushes Scatter

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Clipping Mask and Compound Paths

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Copy and Paste

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Color Settings

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Copy and Paste

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Creating Seamless Tiling Patterns

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Create Object Mosaic

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Edit Colors

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Crop or Trim Marks

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Define Pattern

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Document Setup

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Draw Normal Behind or Inside

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Effects > Distort and Transform >

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Envelope Distort

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Eraser, Scissors, Knife Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Expand and Expand Appearance

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Extrude and Bevel

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – File Info

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Find and Replace

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Flatten Transparency

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Free Transform Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Graphic Styles

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Gradient Mesh From Object

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Gradient Mesh Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Grouping and Locking Objects

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Hide and Show Objects

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Keyboard Shortcuts

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Layers Panel

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Lasso Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Line Segment Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Liquify Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Live Paint

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Live Trace Supplement

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Live Trace

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Magic Wand Tool

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – New Document Options

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – New Window and New Views

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Paintbrush vs Pencil and Pen

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Path Functions

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Pencil Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Pen Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Pencil Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Perspective Grid

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Pixel Preview Grid

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Place…

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Presets

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Rasterizing Objects

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Recolor Artwork

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Revert to Saved

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Rotate and Reflect

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Save for Microsoft Office

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Save as vs Export

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Scale Portions of Objects

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Save for Web and Devices

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Scripts

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Scale Shear and Reshape Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Selection Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Shape Builder Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Slices

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Symbol Sprayer

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Templates

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Text Wrap

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Tool Alternates

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Tool Panel

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Transform Each

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Transform Effect

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Transform from Object Menu

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Type Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Width Tools

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – 3D Revolve Tool     FREE!

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Section 2

The Preference Videos

You can watch the videos below in any order.

Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Anchor Point and Handle Display

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Anti Aliased Artwork

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Append Upon Opening Legacy Files

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Control Click to Select Objects Behind     FREE!

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Constrain Angle

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Corner Radius

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Disable Auto Add Delete

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Double Click to Isolate

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Guides and Grid

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Leading Tracking and BaselineShift

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Font Preview Missing Glyph

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Keyboard Increment

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Leading Tracking and BaselineShift

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Object Selection by Path Only

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Reset All Warning Dialogs

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Scale, Strokes and Effects

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Select Same Tint Percentage

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Selection Tolerance

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Show Tool Tips

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Slices, Hyphenation and ScratchDisks

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Smart Guides

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Snap to Point

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Transform Pattern Tiles

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Type Path, Asian, English, Recent

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Units of Measurement

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Use Japanese Crop Marks

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Use Precise Cursors

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – User Interface, File Handling, Appearance Black

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Adobe Illustrator Video Tutorial – Use Preview Bounds

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Section 3

Bonus - How to Draw Comic Strips with Adobe Illustrator

Brian Zaikowski also teaches this amazing Adobe Illustrator & Photoshop course covering a topic he knows plenty about: comic strip creation! Brian is an accomplished illustrator with hundreds of comic strips in publications worldwide, and somehow CartoonSmart was lucky enough to get him to author this huge tutorial on what it takes to do what he does. Actually we just barricaded him in our office until he recorded all his secrets. Brian's primary application in this lesson is Adobe Illustrator, so he'll be working with vector art most of the time, but toward the end he finishes up with Photoshop for some of the shading and finishing touches. This is a fantastic tutorial and simply entertaining at times. Enjoy!

Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Assets

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Introduction     FREE!

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Setting Up Perspective     FREE!

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Display Case

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Display Case Wood Grain

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Sand Part 1

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Sand Part 2

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Tree Trunk

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Leaves of Grass     FREE!

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Changing the Wood Grain

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Rocks

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Refining the Tree and Rock

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Pants Part 1

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Pants Part 2

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Pants Part 3

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Snake Part 1

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Snake Part 2

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Glass

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Floor Guide and Man Sketch

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Woman Sketch

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Drawing the Man’s Head

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Drawing the Man’s Body Part 1

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Drawing the Man’s Body Part 2

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Drawing the Woman Part 2

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Drawing the Woman Part 1

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Drawing the Woman Part 3

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Walls and Floor

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Finish Room

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Comics Strips with Adobe Illustrator – Finishing with Photoshop

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Category: Illustration  -   Primary Software: Adobe Illustrator  -  
Tags:   Adobe illustrator - master course - video library - tool tutorials - preferences tutorial

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