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Dot Munching Maze Games

Learn how to recreate an arcade classic with Swift and Sprite Kit

Created by: Justin

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Section 1

Setting Up the Player and Level

In these first few tutorials we will use an SKTileMap node to design our first level, import our initial graphic assets, create our player instance and generalize get familiar with the Sprite Kit, Swift and Xcode environment.

Assets for the Course

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Initial Setup     FREE!

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Using a TileMap to Design our Level and Assign Available Spots     FREE!

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Setting Up the Player’s Animation and Dots     FREE!

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Section 2

Moving the Player

In this section we will move the player around the level using swipe gestures.

Initial Player Variables and Concepts

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Moving the Player Part 1

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Moving the Player Part 2

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Moving the Player Part 3

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Xcode Project So Far

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Section 3

Adding Enemies

In this section we will add our enemies, initially moving them randomly and progressively fine-tuning their movements to chase the player.

Introduction to Enemies

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Setting up the Enemies

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Moving the Enemy Randomly

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Adding more Logic to the Enemy

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Adding Various Enemy States

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Moving Different Based on State (Chase, Random, Avoid, None)

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Section 4

Special Tile Map Areas

In these next few lessons, we will learn how to test for specific areas on the tile map (by texture name) then change our code accordingly for various conditions. This is an important series of lessons, so you can ultimately make a unique game (not just a Pac-Man clone)

Testing for Specific Textures on our Tile Map

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Adding Specific Starting Points for the Player and Enemies

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Creating a Home Base (Cage) for the Enemies

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Section 5

Leveling Up and GUI

In this section we will discuss advancing from one level to the next and creating a shared GUI between SKScenes (our levels).

Advancing Levels

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Scoring using SKReferenceNodes & SKLabelNodes

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Xcode Project Files

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Category: App Development  -   Primary Software: Xcode  -  
Tags:   pac - swift - sprite kit - Xcode - retro - tilemap - SKTileMap - iOS - xcode - programming - tutorial - lesson - iPad - iPhone - app

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