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Plugs: Tooniverse  |  Old West Pinball  |  Horde 2  |  Horde

Bio: I teach a lot of lessons here. I work here so I kinda have to.

Skills: Art, Vector Illustration, User Interface Design, Web Development, Web Design, Instruction, Illustration, Game Design, Game Artist, Cartooning, Art Direction, 2D Animation,

Software: Xcode, Procreate, Adobe Premiere Pro, iBooks, Garage Band, Blender, Adobe Illustrator Draw, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Animate (Flash),

Software: MySQL, PHP, SpriteKit, SceneKit, Swift, Objective C, HTML5, Actionscript,

For Hire Status: Employed, but open to offers

Learning: To fly (and jQuery)

Last watched: Woman Sketch


This author's full-length courses. Free for members, for-sale to non-members (or free if noted)...

How to Stop Fearing Your Own Database

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Adobe Character Animator CC - Basics!

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Dot Munching Maze Games

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How to Draw Top Down Game Art

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ARKit with Sprite Kit

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ARKit and SceneKit

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Introduction to Sprite Kit with Swift 4 or Swift 3

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Role Playing Games with Swift and Sprite Kit

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Asteroids-like Games with Swift and Sprite Kit

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How to Draw a Chibi Han

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tvOS Fundamentals

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Marvelous Logo Design

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How to Draw All Your Own Game Art

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How to Draw All Your Own Game Art 2

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Blender in 3 Minutes - A Crash Course for Developers

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Xcode Workflow Tips

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Swift Refreshers

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How to Draw Stylish Ladies

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Learn tvOS for Game Development

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Using AWS DynamoDB with Swift 4

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How to Draw Giant Robots

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Everything iOS10 and iMessage Apps

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Actionscript 3 Game Development Tutorial Bundle

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Player vs Player tvOS Games

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Endless Worlds with Swift and Sprite Kit

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Cartridge Classics: Missile Commando

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Card Games Tutorials for iOS and tvOS

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Adobe Animate CC Basics

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CartoonSmart Classics - The Professional Illustration Collection

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iOS Maze Games with Swift and Sprite Kit

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Everything iOS9

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How to Draw a Snowy Cartoon Background

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Swift and Sprite Kit Control Systems

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Story Tellers Kit 2: Creation Videos

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Pinball Game Tutorials for tvOS and iOS

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Isometric Pixel Art Tutorial

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How to Draw Pinball Game Art

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How to Make iOS Stickers Packs for Non-Programmers

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Prototyping Games

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Spriter Tutorials

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How to use the Platform Games Kit

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Animated Stills

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How to use the Pinball Games Starter Kit

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How to use the Story Tellers Kit

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CartoonSmart Classics - The After Effects Collection

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How to use the Sticker Kit

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How to use the Role Playing Games Kit

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Property List Driven Apps with Swift

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In-App Purchasing for Consumable or Non Consumable Products (Objective C)

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CartoonSmart Classics - The Cartoonist Collection

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CartoonSmart Classics - The Animation Collection

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Standalone lessons or other videos by this creator.
As always, free for members. Where noted, free to non-members.

Optimizing Search Ads Basics using your App Analytics

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Loading a Property List from a Server using Swift 4

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Swift Code for Opening Restricted or Unrestricted URLs from Sprite Kit

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How to Draw, Shade and Color a Male Comic Book Characters Face

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Animating a Retro Explosion Effect in Adobe Animate or Flash

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How to Make Your Own Fonts

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How to Write Web Comic Strips

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Path and SKShapeNode Based Swipe Lines

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How to Animate a Robot Walk Cycle in Adobe Animate

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Fruit Ninja-Style Swipe Lines with Swift and SpriteKit

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Upgrading from Swift 3 to Swift 4

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Device Specific SKScene files

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Swift 4 and JSON

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How to Split SKLabelNodes into 2 Lines with Swift

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How to Draw Magical Flames in Procreate

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How to Animate a Looping Fire Effect in Adobe Animate or Adobe Flash

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The iMessage Sticker Kit Now has an Upsell Footer

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How to Animate a Chibi-style Archer Character in Adobe Animate

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How to Draw a Sword in Adobe Animate or Flash

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How to Animate a 2D Explosion in Adobe Animate

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From Sketch to Vector Art: Drawing a Cute Iron Man Character

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Multi-Language Support in the Story Teller’s Kit

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How to animate along a path or perfect circle in Adobe Animate

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Create a Retro Style Poster Ad in Adobe Animate

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How to Draw a Shredding Wheel or Gear for a Side Scrolling Game

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How to Draw a Stylized 2D Mountain in Adobe Animate

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Technical Illustrations with Adobe Animate – Part 1

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Technical Illustrations with Adobe Animate – Part 2

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How to Check Values Periodically with Swift and Sprite Kit

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Resizing of Images in Photoshop using Batch Actions

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Basic Swift Code for a Slot Machine Game

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Art or Assets...

What this author is giving away to members (or selling to non-members)...

Top Down Green Plane

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Fight Game FX 1

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Fight Game FX 2

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Fight Game FX 3

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Fight Game FX 4

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Stalking Dead – Character Set

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Testing a Product

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Top Down Super Plane

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Hull Integrity – Sci-Fi Style Font

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Career Criminal – Cartoon Font

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Retro Animated BOOM Explosion

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Super Happy Animated Sun

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Retro Animated Mushroom Cloud Explosion

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Medieval Weapons Collection

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Animated Blue Bird

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World War Mech – Destroyer Droid

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Comrade Cool – Arcade Classic Character

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Comrade Enemies – Arcade Classics

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