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  • First time with the story tellers ios starter kit 2

    So it’s your first time with Xcode and the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2…. Now what?

    So you've never used one of CartoonSmart's starter kits before? Heck, maybe you've never even used Xcode before? Well you're…

  • Open the iOS Keyboard with Swift 2 in iOS9

    Saving the Reader’s Name (or any input text) in the Story Teller’s iOS Starter Kit 2

    In the Story Teller’s iOS Starter Kit 2, you can use one simple property with a Touch Event to prompt…

  • How to make an Xcode angry birds game

    How to Make a Physics Game like Angry Birds with the Story Tellers iOS / tvOS Starter Kit 2

    This quick video will show you how to make a physics game (similar to Angry Birds) with zero programming using…

  • Adding video to a Page in the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2

    This quick lesson discusses how to add and play video in the kit. One fun aspect to adding video, is…

  • Picking Images from the iOS Camera Roll to be used in the Story Book App

    Pick Images from the Camera Roll and Mask them for an iOS Childrens Book App

    This video discusses some amazing new features in the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2 that allow your readers to…

  • Adding Lights and Rotating the Camera in the Space Page in the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2

    In this video we'll look at Xcode 7's new features for laying out sprite nodes in the Scene editor, and…

  • Lock or Unlock Pages in the Story Tellers Kit 2

    Unlocking / Locking Pages with the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2

    You can lock pages, or mini-games, in your Story Tellers Kit 2 based app using simple properties discussed in this…

  • Text to speech for iOS Apps in Childrens Book

    Text-to-Speech Options and Adding a Language Preference Menu to your iOS Story Book App

    This video discusses how you can add a menu to your app where the reader can choose their preferred language.…

  • Refining Thumbnail Menus with Separate Open and Close Buttons (Map demo part 3 of 3)

    In this video you'll see how to use separate Open and Close menu buttons to view a pan-able row of…

  • Collecting / Saving Inventory Items (Map demo part 2 of 3)

    In this video tutorial, you'll learn how to collect things in the Story Tellers iOS Starter Kit 2 by having…


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