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Ryu Four-Directional Animated Royalty Free Game Art

Ryu Four-Directional Animated Royalty Free Game Art
January 12, 2017 Justin

Ryu Four-Directional Animated Royalty Free Game Art

Bonus Game Art for Subscribers!

Ryu Four Directional Top Down Character Animated 1

Ryu is a 4 directional animated character ready to slice and dice bad guys in your next top-down viewed game. Also makes for a great prototyping character for learning game programming!

Includes the following animations in Left, Right, Front and Back views

  • Idle
  • Idle Blinking (no back view)
  • Hurt
  • Walking
  • Slashing

Also includes a front view Dying animation.

Formats include: PNG Sequences | AI | EPS | Spriter | Unity

Yearly Subscribers can always download this awesome new package from the usual spot! Monthly subscribers can download this the first month it is released.

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