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Player vs Player tvOS Game Tutorials – Lifetime Access

Player vs Player tvOS Games - Lifetime Access
Learn how to program for external controllers on the tvOS, then have two players go head-to-head. The code is Swift 2 and Sprite Kit based.
Module 1 Swift 2 Programming for External Controllers on tvOS  
This tutorial you'll learn how to find connected controllers, define which buttons do what, set player indexes (i.e. Player 1, Player 2, etc) and work with a basic character.
Unit 1 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Introduction
Unit 2 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Connecting an Extended GamePad Controller
Unit 3 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Connecting Standard and Micro Gamepad (the remote) Controllers
Unit 4 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Project 1
Unit 5 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Moving Player 1 with the Extended or Micro Gamepad
Unit 6 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Rotating with the Extended and MicroGamePad
Unit 7 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Wrapping up One-Player Controls with Firing
Unit 8 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Project 2 (end of session)
Module 2 Player vs Player with Multiple Controllers  
In this section you'll learn the Swift 2 / Sprite Kit code to work with multiple Extended / Standard Gamepad controllers (as well as the Micro Gamepad controller), to go head to head versus players in the same room. After we look at the finer points of connecting and disconnecting controllers and getting each in the right player slot, we'll discuss how to control who is who in any type game, and even go into a one-player mode where the CPU takes control of the second player. This way your two-player game can also be enjoyed by single players. We'll also discuss adding a Pause menu to your game, where players can go back to a Main menu or keep on playing.
Unit 1 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Handling Multiple Controllers with tvOS
Unit 2 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Project (Before Second Player Added)
Unit 3 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Setting up the Second Player (and Creating a Custom Tank Class)
Unit 4 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Setting up the Second Player (continued)
Unit 5 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Firing from the Second Player
Unit 6 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Adding a One-Player Mode with CPU Controlled Second Player
Unit 7 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Going Back and Forth Between 1-Player and 2-Player Modes
Unit 8 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Pause Screens with Options to Resume or go to the Main Menu
Unit 9 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Adding a Main Menu
Unit 10 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Project (End of Session 2)
Module 3 Player vs Player Gameplay  
Now that we've covered all our bases in terms of controlling each player and dealing with controllers disconnecting and reconnecting, it's time to have some fun. This session we'll loosen things up a bit and just talk game play. Topics include collision detection, decrementing health, losing lives / restarting rounds, and other topics worthy of a good two-player game!
Unit 1 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Detecting Physics Collisions
Unit 2 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Creating a Bullet Class
Unit 3 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Animated Explosions and Tank with Tank Bumping
Unit 4 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Tank with Bullet Collisions and Losing Lives
Unit 5 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Loading New Levels and Adding a Lives Label
Unit 6 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Making the Camera Track a Central Point Between Players
Unit 7 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Adding Walls to Ricochet or Remove Bullets
Unit 8 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Conclusion
Unit 9 Player vs Player tvOS Games - Project (end of Session 3)




Player vs Player tvOS Game Tutorial using External Controllers

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