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Pixelart Graveyard Platformer Pack

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Pixelart Graveyard Platformer Pack

  • Royalty free game art
  • Royalty free game art

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1 Background: Seamless background 8 pcs; Clouds 10 pcs; Sample color for the background. 2 Characters: Flying skull; Ghost; Huge skeleton; Skeleton; Man with a torch. 3 Objects: Chests; Coin; Heart; Tombstones; Trees; Trap spikes; Torch. 4 UI: Icons; Tileset with UI; Sprites bar, frames, a portrait of the hero. 5 Tileset 64 tiles 16x16.


  • 1 Background: 1.1 Seamless background 8 pcs; 1.2 Clouds 10 pcs; 1.3 Sample color for the background.
  • 2 Characters: 2.1 Flying skull: 2.1.1 Attack; 2.1.2 Attack in motion; 2.1.3 Death; 2.1.4 Flight (movement); 2.1.5 Idle; 2.1.6 Spawn; 2.1.7 Taking damage; 2.1.8 Projectile, spawn points 2 pcs. 2.2 Ghost: 2.2.1 Attack; 2.2.2 Death; 2.2.3 Idle; 2.2.4 Taking damage; 2.2.5 Flight (movement). 2.3 Huge skeleton: 2.3.1 Attack; 2.3.2 Death; 2.3.3 Idle; 2.3.4 Taking damage; 2.3.5 Walking. 2.4 Skeleton: 2.4.1 Attack; 2.4.2 Death (2 animations); 2.4.3 Idle; 2.4.4 Taking damage; 2.4.5 Walking. 2.5 Man with a torch: 2.5.1 Attack; 2.5.2 Death; 2.5.3 Idle; 2.5.4 Jump; 2.5.5 Action (light a torch); 2.5.6 Running; 2.5.7 Walking.
  • 3 Objects: 3.1 Chests (wood and stone with opening animations); 3.2 Coin with animation; 3.3 Heart with animation; 3.4 Tombstones 8 pcs; 3.5 Trees 4 pcs; 3.6 Trap: spikes with animation 4 pcs; 3.7 Torch 2 animation: lit, lights up.
  • 4 UI: 4.1 Icons 10 pcs 16x16; 4.1 Tileset with UI; 4.1 Sprites bar, frames, a portrait of the hero.
  • 5 Tileset 64 tiles 16x16 (39 land tiles, 18 bush tiles, 7 fence tiles).
  • TOTAL: 40 animations 90 tiles 30 sprites

By: MedievalMore

📂   File Formats:

🏃‍♂️   Animation Sequences:
1 Flying skull 7 animations 2 Ghost 5 animations 3 Huge skeleton 5 animations 4 Skeleton 6 animations 5 Man with a torch 7 animations 6 Chests 2 animations 7 Coin and Heart animations 8 Trap spikes 4 animations 9 Torch 2 animation TOTAL: 40 animations

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Art Type: Game Art  -   Art Category: Levels - Side Scroller  -  

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