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Learn tvOS for Game Development – Lifetime Access

Learn tvOS for Game Development - Lifetime Access
Its a whole new era for iOS game developers with the latest Apple TV. Pat yourself on the back and call yourself a tvOS developer, because you're a few short lessons away from becoming one. This series of lessons will give you an exciting "first look" at the Apple TV and remote, a comprehensive guide to working with SpriteKit and tvOS to navigate screens / select buttons, then a full-blown side-scroller gaming tutorial specifically for the tvOS (though almost all the same code can be used for an iOS side scroller).
Module 1 Initial Setup, How to bring SpriteKit Nodes into Focus, and tvOS Gestures  
This video tutorial is an introduction to using Swift and SpriteKit in a tvOS app. Apple provides some convenience methods for focusing in and out of UIViews in a tvOS app, but when it comes to SpriteKit apps, us resourceful game developers need to do a little extra work. You'll learn how touch anywhere on the new Apple TV Remote's touch pad and navigate buttons, bring one into focus and keep it selected (to potentially choose as a selection). In the second lesson we will focus on adding gestures recognizers to detect taps, selection "clicks", specific button presses (for example, Menu or Play / Pause) and gesture recognizers. We'll also discuss some basics in Xcode for setting up an osTV app, importing resources, setting the game scene size, removing gesture recognizers and transitioning scenes.
Unit 1 Apple tvOS and SpriteKit Video Tutorials - Part 1
Unit 2 Apple tvOS and Sprite Kit Tutorials part 2
Unit 3 tvOS Project 1 - Source Files
Module 2 How to Create a tvOS Template for any SpriteKit Game  
In this series we will create a tvOS template for navigating between scenes (Home, Features, Team Standings), and discuss ways to pass data around classes, save data using NSUserDefaults, swipe between menu options and much more. By the end of this course you will have a template you can begin any of your future tvOS apps with.
Unit 1 How to Create a tvOS App Template Introduction
Unit 2 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Initial Setup and Custom Classes
Unit 3 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Simple Two Button Menu Tutorial
Unit 4 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Transitioning Scenes
Unit 5 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Multi-Directional SpriteKit Menu
Unit 6 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Adjusting / Saving Color Schemes
Unit 7 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Passing used card data between classes (also randomly pull cards out of a deck)
Unit 8 How to Create a tvOS App Template - NSUserDefaults and Team Standings
Unit 9 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Alert Windows
Unit 10 How to Create a tvOS App Template - NSNotifications and playing audio from the View Controller
Unit 11 How to Create a tvOS App Template - Clearing the Defaults for a New Game and Wrap Up
Unit 12 The tvOS App Template - Project Files
Module 3 How to Create a Side Scroller Game for tvOS or iOS - Session 1  
In this series you will learn how to create a retro 2d-style side scroller game from scratch for the new tvOS or for iOS. The project will be initially developed using the tvOS template, then you'll see how to take most of the same code and use it for an iOS app. We'll cover all the essentials to making a side scroller: building a physics-based environment (with platforms, vines, pipes, collectibles), programming a an easy character to move using swipes, adding the HUD (for things like Score or a Lives label), sound and much, much more. Toward the end of this session we'll also discuss how to add a tvOS target to an existing iOS project and share code / assets between the two targets.
Unit 1 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 1 - Initial Setup
Unit 2 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 2 - Custom Player Class
Unit 3 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 3 - Animating Textures
Unit 4 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 4 - Initial Character Controls
Unit 5 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 5 - Physics Contacts
Unit 6 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 6 - Double Jumping, Fine-tuning Friction and Restitution
Unit 7 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 7 - Making the Camera and GUI Follow the Player
Unit 8 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 8 - Climbable Poles or Vines
Unit 9 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 9 - Hanging onto Moving Poles or Vines
Unit 10 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 10 - Pipes and Portals to Other Levels
Unit 11 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 11 - Using the same code to a Universal iOS Project
Unit 12 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 12 - Adding a tvOS Target to an Existing iOS Project
Unit 13 tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Project Files (End Session 1)
Module 4 How to Create a Side Scroller Game for tvOS or iOS - Session 2  
The epic saga continues in this second session all about how to make a 2D side scroller for tvOS or iOS. We'll look at turning our GameScene into more of a "game engine" by incorporating a property list to change variables on a per-level basis. We'll also talk about scoring, moving platforms (that carry the player), "dead zones" to kill the player, restarting from continue points, inventory, and much more!
Unit 1 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 13 - Adding a Property List for Level Data
Unit 2 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 14 - Adding a Property List for Level Data (continued)
Unit 3 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 15 - Moving Platforms that Carry the Player
Unit 4 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 16 - Losing Lives
Unit 5 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 17 - Collecting Coins to Add Lives
Unit 6 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 18 - Enemies
Unit 7 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 19 - Refining Player Animation and Adding Sounds
Unit 8 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 20 - Refreshing Levels and Restarting Back Levels
Unit 9 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 21 - Parallax Effects
Unit 10 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 22 - Score Labels
Unit 11 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 23 - Dramatic Deaths
Unit 12 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 24 - Firing Projectiles
Unit 13 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 25 - Collecting Inventory (Bullets) to Use
Unit 14 How to Create a tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Part 26 - Wrap Up
Unit 15 tvOS / iOS Side Scroller - Project Files (End Session 2)



tvOS Video Tutorials Side Scroller

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