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2D Game Development in Unity – Subscription Access – Index

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2D Game Development in Unity

Unity 3D is one of the most powerful free to use game engines available today and is an excellent place to start building games. This course will cover the foundations of using Unity and building a 2D platformer game.

Created by: Neil North

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Section 1

Course Introduction

What you need to know about this course to get started.

Introduction     FREE!

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How to use the course files

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Course Files

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Section 2

Welcome to Unity

If you've never used Unity before, this session will introduce you to the software, prototyping your game and much more.

What is Unity?

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Is Unity the right game engine for me

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Installing the Tools

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Tour of Unity

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The Unity Asset Store

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Prototyping a 2D Game in Unity

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Prototyping a 3D Game in Unity

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Layout the Unity Panels

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Game Design Theory

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Section 3

Preparing to Build a Game

This quick session will go over some of the prep work most developers face before REALLY beginning!

Planning Your Game

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Staying Motivated and on Scope

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Sourcing the Resources

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Preparing the files

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Section 4

Building the Game

This lengthy session you'll really dive into how to create a 2D game with Unity. You'll learn how set up the scene, create the player, add shaders, randomize scenery, work with the camera and much more!

What will you be creating

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Starting the Project and Creating a Staging Scene

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Create a test platform

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Build the Player Prefab – Animations and Physics

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Build the Player Prefab – Coding the player

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Create a Collectible Item for the Character to pick up

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Materials for Shader Effects

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Randomized Scenery

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Sorting Order

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Create a camera node with constraints

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Create a parallax background – Building the layers

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Create a parallax background – Coding the controller

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Fixing Issues between 2D and 3D Objects

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Create a game manager object

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Saving and loading game data

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Adding 2D Sound Effects

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Section 5

Building the UI and Menus, and Conclusion

In this final session, you'll learn how to a level screen, handle win / loss events, create a level exit / kill zone, distribute your app, and finally your instructor will share his thoughts on where to go next.

Menu Design Basics

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Create a timer and display it on screen

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Creativity challenge – Making levels

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Create a level select screen and transitions

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Handle win and loss events

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Create a level exit and kill zone

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Preparing the game for Distribution

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Category: 3D  -   Primary Software: Unity  -  
Tags:   2D - game - side scroller - unity - parallax

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