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Only $99 for an entire year.

Every tutorial. Every project. Every kit. All our royalty free game art. Just $99.

Both monthly and yearly subscribers can download the project/exercise files for the tutorials.
Including Xcode projects which in themselves are valuable assets.

Yearly Subscribers get every one of our iOS and tvOS Starter Kits

The Pinball Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit

Just released this month, this newest kit pays homage to one of the greatest games of all time: pinball. Five years ago, we released our first pinball app in the App Store, and have seen been dreaming of a day when we could create a starter kit capable of letting every one quickly build their own table: complete with authentic physics, ramps, multi-ball mode, and an unlimited number of customizable goals to keep players coming back again and again to achieve that high score, extra ball or even advance to another table altogether. See what’s possible by playing our free demo in the App Store, Old West Pinball, made exclusively with the kit, by simply toggling properties. No coding required!

This kit has only just soft-launched for subscribers (it’s still version 0.9 for now), so while we are still recording how-to videos, get to know the kit through the documentation.

Learn how easy it is to make an app with this kit…

The Platform Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit

Make your 10 year-old self proud by creating your own side-scroller with built-in external game controller support, and best of all: you can play it on your 50 inch TV with the click of a button (and the newest Apple TV of course). If you grew up dreaming about being a game developer one day, it’s never too late.  Whether it’s as a hobby, or possibly to start a new career, you can do it right now. Seriously. This kit is made for weekend warriors. No coding is needed to work with it, and with very few properties to learn, you will be designing levels and playing them within the first hour of using it. But if you do want to geek out and poke around with the code, you totally can. Which is true for all our kits. Made with Swift 2 and Sprite Kit, subscribers can even watch how this kit was made in our Learn tvOS for Game Development series.

Find out more about this kit, and download a game made with it!
Universal Purchases

The Story Tellers iOS and tvOS Starter Kit

If building an app with the Platform Games Kit is a guilty pleasure for the kid in you, do something for your real kids with the Story Tellers Kit. As usual, this kit requires absolutely no programming, but feature-wise it packs more of a punch than anything we’ve done before (or since). You could make a simple interactive book with little more than animated pages and sound, or you could create a customizable story with not only the reader’s name, but even a picture of themselves. Stories can be non linear like choose-your-own-adventure novels and each page can be it’s own interactive mini-game. You can create everything simple drag and drop games, to complex puzzles, and on upward in complexity to physics based games like Angry Birds (seriously, here’s a how-to video).

Now you can write the kid’s book you’ve always dreamed of, or the graphic novel pushing it’s way out of your head. Show off your talent, with an app to match your skills.

Find out more about all the incredible features in this kit
StoryTellers iOS and tvOS Kit

Plus you’ll get access to our Fantastic World’s iOS Starter Kit and every upcoming kit (a Board Games iOS and tvOS Starter Kit is slated for April).

Yearly subscribers can download the latest version of each kit at anytime. Apps created with the kit can be commercial. Attribution as your app’s primary programmer is not required (though always appreciated). One thing we do ask – please upgrade to a developer license IF you intend to build apps for others on a freelance basis.

Yearly Subscribers get access to all our royalty free game art packages!

Monthly subscribers get access to the most recent month, and two more each month

Royalty Free Game Art Lineup

Yearly subscribers will immediately get over $700 worth of fully animated game art characters, to use in any of their apps.

Frequently Asked Questions….

How often is new content added?

Short answer: all the time. CartoonSmart has been creating tutorials for over 12 years (before a little site named YouTube even existed), our Starter Kits since the first version of the iPad, and in the past year we’ve been adding two game art packages each month exclusively for our subscribers. So new courses, kits, and art is constantly in production.  For 11 of those 12 years, the site was not subscription-based, so we’re very excited these days to be able to offer everything we create for a low yearly free.

Can I download the movie files from subscription courses?

No, subscribers only get streaming access to the tutorial movies. But they are in glorious high definition (or you can toggle HD off), served through Vimeo/Amazon for blazing fast delivery no matter where you are in the world. Plus you can stream them from any mobile device or tablet, so there are plenty of ways to watch on-the-go.

Can I cancel, hassle-free, at anytime?

Yes, directly through Paypal.

How to cancel any subscription through Paypal

  1. Log in to your PayPal account.
  2. Click Profile near the top of the page.
  3. Click My money.
  4. Click Update in the My preapproved payments section.
  5. Click Cancel, Cancel automatic billing, or Cancel subscription and follow the instructions.

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  • Billed once per year, 2 times

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If you purchase our 5 Year Membership, the initial setup fee is $299.94 then a penny each year for 5 years. 

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  • Billed once per month until cancelled

  • Billed once per year, 2 times

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