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PHP7 New Features


PHP 7 New Features
PHP7 is the newest edition of the language to hit the server side in 2016. This well established and much loved language is providing significant performance improvements, providing new features and improving security. PHP has always been the goto language when it comes to server side database interactivity and data integrity with simplicity and ease of use.

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Module 1 Getting Setup  
Before we begin lets take a look at XAMPP where we want to setup PHP7 ( you must download the correct version to take this course).
Unit 1 PHP7 New Features - Introduction
Unit 2 PHP7 New Features - XAMPP PHP7 setup
Module 2 PHP 7 New Features  
A look at all the fun new features in PHP7.
Unit 1 PHP7 New Features - Primitive type declarations
Unit 2 PHP7 New Features - Object type declarations
Unit 3 PHP7 New Features - Return type declarations
Unit 4 PHP7 New Features - Null coalescing operator
Unit 5 PHP7 New Features - Spaceship operator
Unit 6 PHP7 New Features - Constant arrays using define
Unit 7 PHP7 New Features - Anonymous classes
Unit 8 PHP7 New Features - Unicode codepoint escape syntax
Unit 9 PHP7 New Features - Functional call context
Unit 10 PHP7 New Features - Unserialize filtering
Unit 11 PHP7 New Features - Expectations
Unit 12 PHP7 New Features - Group use declarations
Unit 13 PHP7 New Features - Generator Return Expressions
Unit 14 PHP7 New Features - Integer division
Unit 15 PHP7 New Features - Session options
Unit 16 PHP7 New Features - Random bytes and random int functions
Unit 17 PHP7 New Features - Revamped regular expression function
Module 3 PHP 7 Deprecated Features  
Deprecations and conclusion
Unit 1 PHP7 New Features - Deprecated features
Unit 2 PHP7 New Features - Conclusion



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