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Object Orientation in PHP – Lifetime Access

Object Oriented Programming in PHP - Lifetime Access
This video tutorial series includes lectures that break subjects down like abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance and encapsulation in a simplified spoon fed manner for anyone to understand from beginner or even an experienced programmer who wants to know more about object oriented fundamentals with PHP.
Module 1 Basic OOP  
An introduction to the course and discussion on classes, abstraction, polymorphism, inheritance and encapsulation.
Unit 1 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Introduction
Unit 2 PHP Object Oriented Programming - What is an Object
Unit 3 PHP Object Oriented Programming - What is a Class
Unit 4 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Abstraction
Unit 5 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Polymorphism
Unit 6 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Inheritance
Unit 7 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Encapsulation
Module 2 Object Oriented Analysis and Design  
This section looks at Object Oriented Analysis , what is UML, UML relationships, aggregation and composition, as well as sequence diagrams.
Unit 1 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Object Oriented Analysis
Unit 2 PHP Object Oriented Programming - What is UML
Unit 3 PHP Object Oriented Programming - UML relationships, aggregation and composition
Unit 4 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Sequence diagrams
Module 3 OOP Members  
In this section we'll look at public / private / protected members, overriding members, and static / shared / class level members.
Unit 1 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Public, private & protected
Unit 2 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Overriding Members
Unit 3 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Static, Shared or Class Level Members
Module 4 Advanced OOP  
In this section we'll discuss concrete and abstract classes, interfaces, and traits.
Unit 1 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Concrete and Abstract classes
Unit 2 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Interfaces
Unit 3 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Traits
Module 5 PHP Bank Account Project  
In this final section, we will create a hypothetical bank account project.
Unit 1 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Course Files
Unit 2 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Bank account UML diagram
Unit 3 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Creating an abstract class
Unit 4 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Creating Sub Classes
Unit 5 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Creating sub classes pt2
Unit 6 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Trait and interface
Unit 7 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Instantiating classes and running the program
Unit 8 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Running the program further
Unit 9 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Using interfaces at runtime
Unit 10 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Class constructors
Unit 11 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Inherited class constructor’s
Unit 12 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Static properties, methods and constants
Unit 13 PHP Object Oriented Programming - Conclusion
Object Oriented Programming in PHP Video Tutorials

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