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Animation in Twelve BLANK Steps – Lifetime Access

Animation in Twelve BLANK Lessons - Lifetime Access
This lengthy 13 hour video series will show you how to master the twelve steps of a digital production pipeline that is built for the individual artist. Keyword being, "individual", because while this pipeline is based off the same steps animation studios use, the course is meant for YOU, the indie story teller / cartoonist / animator to produce marketable animation FAST!
Module 1 Introduction & Set Up  
You can watch an introduction to the series below and learn about what software you do and don't need for the course. Your instructor uses AutoDesk SketchBook, GarageBand, Toon Boom Storyboard Pro and Toon Boom Harmony. A subscription-version of Harmony will be / is replacing versions of Toon Boom Studio, Animate and Animate Pro, so much of what's taught applies to that software as well. But most of the concepts taught can be applied to any animation software.
Unit 1 Course Introduction
Unit 2 Software to Download
Unit 3 Harmony Settings
Module 2 The 12 BLANK Lessons  
The courses below will guide you step by step through a typical animation pipeline. Enjoy the journey!
Unit 1 Sound - Capture and Refine the Moment of Inspiration
Unit 2 Design - Employ Line and Shape to Enhance the Idea
Unit 3 Color - Take Control of Your Artist's Palette
Unit 4 Thumbnails - Structure Your Story
Unit 5 Timing - Unite Sound and Visual for Story Flow
Unit 6 Layout - Establish Scene Readability
Unit 7 Ink, Rig, and Paint Characters - Build for Movement
Unit 8 Ink, Rig, and Paint Backgrounds - Construct a Multi-Plane Environment
Unit 9 Rough Animation - Create Staging, Anticipation, and Broad Gestures
Unit 10 Camera - Compose Cinematic Shots
Unit 11 Lip Sync - Connect the Characters to Sound and Surroundings
Unit 12 Refining the Animation - Apply Follow-Through and Secondary Actions
Unit 13 Course Congratulations
Module 3 PDF Files  
The course includes PDF files for each step so you can reference important notes during or after the videos.
Unit 1 PDF Notes
Animation in Twelve Blank Lessons

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